Where is Buffalo City?

Buffalo City is the new municipal structure that came into existence after the 2000 local government elections. It includes East London, King William's Town, Mdantsane and Bhisho. The total population of BCMM is 834 997, according to the 2016 Community Survey with 85 percent being black Africans, followed by whites at 7 percent, 6.7 percent being coloureds and 0.90 percent Indian/Asian.

What does the council do for the city's residents?

Buffalo City Municipality aims to extend basic services to all. The provision of a free basic amount of water is in place and the municipality has nearly finalised the provision of free basic electricity. Buffalo City Municipality has its basic infrastructure frameworks in place and there is a spatial framework and a functioning land-use management system. A number of innovative initiatives in city planning and social housing are under way. The municipality has a five-year low-cost housing plan, which complements the identification of Mdantsane as one of the national urban renewal nodes. This is a key integration project and could potentially have many benefits for the city as a whole.

Maximising social development

Buffalo City Municipality has recognised the importance of social development issues and has been exploring how to intervene in this area. There is a strong focus on cross-cutting issues such as gender, youth, disability and HIV/Aids in municipal plans. Primary health and HIV/Aids have been given key priority status in the IDP. Local Agenda 21 issues with specific reference to sustainability and the environment also enjoy a high profile in Buffalo City Municipality plans. Innovative pilot projects on social housing are currently under way. Buffalo City Municipality has an indigent policy in place.

What services does Buffalo City provide?

Buffalo City Municipality provides a wide range of services to communities, either on its own, in conjunction with other spheres of government or in association with other organisations, including business and non-governmental organisations. The services provided by Buffalo City Municipality are defined by a number of Acts of Parliament, and further information can be obtained from www.parliament.gov.za

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