Directorate: Health And Public Safety Services

The Directorate of Health & Public Safety forms part of the Metro Municipality which governs the city of Buffalo City, South Africa, its suburbs & exurbs. The Directorate consists of a Director who manages and strategizes over two municipal departments viz, Municipal Health Services & Public Safety.

The Directorate provides an essential & critical service to the public and thus the Directorates mission to continuously enforce safety & security issues, environmental & health issues and to consistently render an effective & efficient service is at the utmost forefront of this Directorate.

The Directorate consists of a Director, Mr V. R. Lwana, General Manager of Public Safety, Mr S. Terwin and the Programme Manager for Municipal Health Services, Mr A. Falati. The Public Safety Department consists of 4 Sections viz, Traffic Services under the Commander, Mr B. Martin, Law Enforcement Services, under the Commander, Mr N. Stemele, Fire & Rescue Services under the Chief Fire Officer, Mr T. Thompson and Disaster Management Services under the Manager Disaster Management, Mr O. Becker.

Moving into the future and in keeping with the Metro status, the Department of Public Safety will be split into two departments viz, Metro Police Service and Emergency Services.