The delegation is consisting of 30 students and three lectures arrived yesterday 03 February.

He welcomed them and told them he hopes they will enjoy our small and beautiful City.

This evening the delegation willengage on a lecture on Populism in Europe which will be done by Professor Dr Rainer Lisowki from the University of Bremen in Germany.

The lecture will take place at the East London Golf Club at 6pm.

Pakati shared his views on the topic and said: “The topic is populism in Europe and that should be broadened to include the world. The rise of populism has been instituted by the United States of America through its president.”

He added that the element of populism is an antithesis of what democracy should be.

“I hope you will all enjoy this topic this evening and get to see my point."

Speaking about the purpose of the visit International Relations Manager Darby Gouden said: “These students are studying Public Administration their focus currently is local government, so they are here to look at the systems that we as BCMM are using. Also this visit is also a great tourist visit for us especially in terms of our economic boost.”

Adding more to that Inga Steffen from Lower Saxony in Germany said: “We appreciate the partnership that we have with BCMM and it is very important for provinces to have such partnerships, we thank you for welcoming us into your beautiful City, we can’t wait to drive around it and see it’s full beautify because we often just fly in and out.”

The delegation will also visit the Inkwenkwezi Game Reserve.

On Tuesday, 05 February they will visit the East London Industrial Development Zone and Science and Technology Park (ELIDZ) then they will depart for Makhanda.
