Mandate of the Deputy Executive Mayor

The Deputy Executive Mayor, Councillor Zoliswa Matana, was duly nominated and appointed to the position by a Council Resolution in August 2016. The Council Resolution further instructed the Executive Mayor to delegate the following Key Performance Areas (KPAs):

  1. Integrated Development Plan (IDP)
  2. Organisational Performance Management
  3. Budget
  4. nter-Governmental Relations (IGR)

  • This KPA means the DEM must provide political championing and guidance of the entire process of IDP Development, Review, Consultation with Stakeholders and social partners. DEM Chairs the Portfolio Committee on IDP, PMS and Budget, the latter is about alignment of IDP Service Delivery targets with fiscal (financial) allocation.
  • On the other hand, the Institutional (Organisational) Performance Management requires the Portfolio Committee chaired by the DEM to provide overarching political oversight function on how Service Delivery Targets outlined in the IDP find expression in Performance Work plans and are articulated in the Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP). The DEM provides political guidance and leadership to the Committee charged with conducting Political Oversight Function on these KPAs.
  • The DEM further ensures political management of the IGR Function to ensure that BCMM IDP processes are enhanced through a well-coordinated and structured Inter-Governmental Planning platforms that involve BCMM social partners and stakeholders ranging from Provincial Sector Departments, National Departments that have a footprint in the BCMM, Corporate (Business) Sector, Civil Society Organisations and Community Based Organisations.

The Deputy Executive Mayor has delegated authority through the Executive Mayor and at all times acts and performs his functions as delegated to him by the Executive Mayor as decided by the BCMM Council Resolution.

Key Contacts

Postal Address:

PO Box 134
East London

Physical Address:

The Deputy Mayor's Office
City Hall
Oxford Street
East London

Useful Links